Dear <%=[FirstName]%>,

You've reached our Valued Customer status. That's an honor accorded only to a select few.

It means that we recognize the special needs related to your volume and customization requirements. You need access to design and manufacturing information, estimated delivery times, open-to-buy status, and dozens of other details that call for fast, accurate answers.

To be sure that you get the data that you need within minutes of your asking, we're assigning you your very own customer service representative. Diane Tibbott will monitor your orders, review them with manufacturing, art, traffic, etc., and keep me up to date on your activity while I'm out of the office. Her direct number is <%=MY_TEL%>.

Diane will call you next week to introduce herself. She's been trained for the last three weeks on every facet of your account. I'm sure she'll do a wonderful job.

I appreciate your business, John. We all do.



Tel: <%=MY_TEL%>
Fax: <%=MY_FAX%>